This is, to me, a very unique specimen featuring the largest, well-crystallized, 3-dimensional spinel twin gold on matrix that I have ever seen available. This is not a flattenned crystalline gold as with Eagle's Nest material and it is not a typical octahedral crystal or cluster of such as some Mockingbird material occurs. Rather, this is a single thick, euhedral crystal, fully 3.5 cm tip-to-tip, just so nicely perched on a well-trimmed matrix. This crystal has a natural patina as the enclosing quartz was removed with physical means instead of the less elegant but easier method of hydrofluoric acid. It is complete-all-around and is equally fine from the other side. Ex. late Bill Forrest Collection: a longtime California collector, gold-miner, and co-owner of the Benitoite mine during much of its modern heyday. Photo on green background, by Joe Budd.
Atribuzion: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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